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Loan Periods & Fees

Your Rowan County Public Library doesn’t charge overdue fines for late items, but we do charge replacement fees on lost or damaged items. After all, our materials belong to everyone! We ask that patrons please be responsible when borrowing and make an effort to return items on time, or to replace items that become lost, damaged, or destroyed. Accidents happen; if you run into trouble with anything you have checked out, let our staff know so we can work with you.

Item Lost Item Replacement Fee
Damaged or destroyed earbuds $1.00
Damaged or destroyed headphones
Lost periodical, paperback book, or locking media case
Damaged or destroyed computer mouse
Lost music CD
Damaged or destroyed laptop charger
Lost hardback book, DVD/Blu-Ray, Kindle case, or musical instrument equipment
Lost video game, audiobook on CD, or DVD/Blu-Ray series $50.00
Lost Kindle or WiFi hotspot $100.00
Lost musical instrument $300.00

Service Fee
Black-and-white copying or printing 10¢ per page
Color copying or printing 50¢ per page
Library card for non-residents of Kentucky $10.00
Replacement library card $1.00
Returned check $25.00

You may continue to borrow materials unless your total balance exceeds $5.00 for a single account. Keep in mind that, if you have other accounts for which you’re responsible (such as a child’s), a balance of $5.01 or more on any of those accounts can prevent all linked accounts from borrowing, so keep an eye on everyone’s charges if you’re part of a borrowing family!

Loan Periods

In order to avoid lost or replacement charges, refer to our loan periods below. Please note that bookmobile borrowing and interlibrary loans follow their own special rules; for more information, you can call the library at (606) 784-7137.

Material Type Loan Period Renewals
Books & audiobooks (on CD and Playaway) 28 days 1
Video games 14 days 1
DVDs/Blu-Rays 7 days 1
WiFi Hotspots 14 days 0
Musical instruments and instrument equipment 52 days 1